Residental building 'Mini Max'
House in 'Priam Village' Type A
Construction of faculties in Mitrovica phase IV
Construction of hospital building of QKMF and KMFR within the yard of QKUK
Construction of the University of Mitrovica Building Phase III
Construction of the Deanery of the Faculty of Medicine
Construction of Accommodation Facility
Detailed Project for Blinaja Complex
Construction of the High School in Vushtrri
Construction of Vocational Training Center in Mitrovica
Heliodrom Parlor Adjustment Works, Entrance Gate and Completion of Installation Works in MKSF Building
Construction of the Sports Hall in the Municipality of Drenas - Phase II
Construction of Vocational Training Center in Gjilan
Punët në Rregullimin e Parterit me Heliodrom, Portës hyrëse dhe kompletimi I punëve ndërtimore instaluese në ndërtesën e MFSK-së
Construction of the High School in Vushtrri
Supervision for the construction of the Museum of Crystals
Construction of hospital building of QKMS and KMFR within the yard of QKUK
Construction of Accommodation Facility
Construction of the University of Mitrovica Building Phase III
Shtëpia në 'Renovation of the Hajvali Facility for IPK
Construction of Vocational Training Center in Mitrovica
Priam Village
Construction of the High School in Vushtrri
Residental building 'Green Avenue Apartments'
Construction of the High School in Vushtrri
Shtëpia në 'Residental building 'Green Avenue Apartments'
Residental building 'Prishtina e re